Snickers’ use of high-end technology doesn’t end with 37.5, however: the brand is also using an advanced safety material called D30 in its knee pads. David explains how D30 works: “In its normal state D30 is semi-viscous and mobile – in other words, if you put it on your hand it will run over your hand like thick treacle, but the moment you impact it, the material instantly solidifies to provide effective protection.” Snickers is intent on staying at the forefront of advances in workwear fabrics and design and, as such, has its focus firmly on the needs of future generations of tradespeople, as well as the current crop. “We’re very interested in the development of our future potential market, which are the younger people coming out of the training colleges year on year,” explains David. “They tend to be very fashion- orientated, so for us, it is important to stay on message and on trend.” The brand’s relentless research into the best technology, the smartest fabrics and the latest fashion trends is why its strapline, ‘Inventing workwear’ is starting to read as a statement of fact.
He continues: “37.5 Technology started in outdoor clothing, expanded into lifestyle and sportswear, and now it’s embedded into Snickers Workwear. The more comfortable our users are, the more productive they are likely to be, reducing the risk of mistakes and accidents.” Snickers has released a number of new garments this autumn that contain 37.5 Technology, including its new base layer collection, which comprises seamless garments that promise to keep wearers dry and ventilated, such as the LiteWork Seamless 37.5 Leggings (9409) and LiteWork Seamless 37.5 LS Shirt (9418). Other new items for A/W 2017 include: the AllroundWork 37.5 Insulator Vest (4512); LiteWork 37.5 LS Shirt (8513); Ru Work 37.5 Insulated Parka (1101); and AllroundWork High-Vis 37.5 Insulated Jacket CL3 (1130). Feedback from customers on the use of 37.5 Technology in the Snickers range is good, with the technology also getting the thumbs up from a source closer to home: the Snickers sales team has chosen to wear polos featuring 37.5 Technology, while some of the team are so taken with the clothing they’re also using the T-shirts when they go to the gym outside of work.
The new AllroundWork 37.5 Insulator Vest and LiteWork Seamless 37.5 LS shirt
The photograph shows the Snickers Workwear 9441 FlexiWork Seamless Wool LS ½ Zip Shirt in the 9800 colour option, and the 3214 Work Trousers in the 1212 colour option.
With good looks and body-mapping designs, Snickers Workwear has always delivered the ultimate in working comfort and freedom of movement. Now our Workclothes are getting even smarter with the integration of hi-tech fabrics to improve users’ performance, comfort and wellbeing on site.
With the 37.5® Fabric Technology in a range of autumn and winter garments, it will give you the ultimate in performance and functionality – and the smartest Workwear available today. Check out all the latest Workwear innovations and make your choices for what you need on site at
#Inventing Workwear
For more information, advice and to locate your nearest Snickers Workwear stockist, please call the Helpline on 01484 854788 Hultafors Group UK Limited Unit N3 Gate 4 | Meltham Mills Industrial Estate | Meltham | Holmfirth | HD9 4DS | Tel: 01484 854488 | Fax: 01484 854733 Email: Web:
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